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Help Cancer Society Save Lives By Reducing Your Own Risk

The American Cancer Society is a nationwide, community-based health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Their mission is to prevent cancer, save lives with research and information, and diminish the suffering from cancer.
Their goals are to reduce cancer mortality, the incidence of cancer, and to improve the quality of life for cancer patients. How can you help the organization reach its goals and save lives, including your own? Think about this:
- You could help reduce cases of skin cancer. It's not that difficult for you as an individual, but if many people stay out of the midday sun, cover exposed areas of the skin when outdoors and wear plenty of sunscreen, skin cancer can be avoided. Protecting children, who are outdoors more than adults, is especially important. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer.
- Take early detection seriously. Many cancers are curable if found early, including cancer of the colon, prostate, cervix and breast. Ask your doctor for a screening schedule.
- Believe the facts about smoking and lung cancer. It's the leading cause of death from cancer in both men and women. In order to quit, you have to do more than read statistics. You need to make a personal commitment. Over-the-counter nicotine replacement products and prescription medications can help you start, but it takes great dedication to quit for a lifetime. You can do it.
- Your anti-cancer lifestyle is much the same as that recommended for a healthy heart and avoidance of other diseases. Lifestyle changes that include eating a healthy diet, avoiding weight gain (or lose weight if you should) and getting some exercise on most days of the week. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can't be done instantly, but if you steadily work toward it, you can save your own life. Think about it every day and make a plan to adopt a anti-cancer lifestyle.
- Use MD Ultimate Green and Nutri Cleanse for Detox to minimize toxin in body.
- Get immunized. Immunizations are available for Hepatitis B, which can lead to liver cancer, and for human papillomavirus for people under age 26, which can lead to cervical cancer.